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Westbury Little League

1966 Little League World Series Champions

Concession Stand Duties


Every WBLL team is responsible for at least one 2-hour shift over the course of the season. It's's easy...and a great way to meet other WBLL parents. Click here to sign up for you Concessions Shift!

We are incredibly proud that we are a 100% volunteer run organization. To that volunteers = no concessions!

This is where we ask for your participation.
1. Where is the WBLL concession stand? The WLL concession stand is located at the WBLL Campus right between fields M1 and M2. You can find the field address and a map of our facilities here.
2. How long is my shift? The shifts last no more than 2 hours. The time flies when you are busy. If you are not too busy, then we ask volunteers to help with restocking where necessary.
3. Who can work my shift? You can, your spouse, a grandparent, an (older) teenage child 16 years or older. Younger children can assist but an adult must be present.
4. What happens if my shift is cancelled due to weather? While we will not require you to sign up for another shift if yours is cancelled due to weather, it would be AWESOME if you can help to fill any vacancies on future game days. Once again, no volunteers = no
5. What happens if I have to cancel last minute? We understand that emergencies happen. The more notice we have of a shift opening, the better. If you find that you cannot make your shift last minute, PLEASE try to find someone to fill in for you. If you
can't find someone, reach out to your team manager to work some magic. If we don't have a minimum of 2 volunteers per shift, we will have to close the concession stand.

THANK YOU again for all of your help! If you have any questions, please reach out to the concession stand managers Jeff Rohrbach (713-320-9834) and/or Austin Carden (713-319-4174).

A WBLL Board member will be responsible for “opening” the concession stand so all you have to do is show up 15 minutes before your shift so you can complete the following responsibilities:

Popcorn Machine:

  • Popcorn (directions on the back of the packets on how to make it).
  • Switch on heater. Turn on ~5 min prior to starting.
  • Dump in kernels/oil packets and turn on the spinner.
  • Keep the heat lamp on.
  • Once popping is complete, turn off the heater and spinner.

Hot Dog roller:

  • Preheat for ~10 minutes
  • Put back rollers on 275 ºF (135 ºC) and front rollers on ~150 ºF (65 ºC) to keep them warm.
  • Cook on the back and move to the front when they look like a cooked hotdog (approx. ~10 mins).

When you are ready to open, place menu, condiments, and napkins out on window.

There are two volunteers scheduled each shift. Children under 16 are not allowed to work in the concession stand without an adult. Please keep hair pulled back and use disposable gloves
when handling food.

Cashier/Window (1 person)

  • Take orders – call out hot food orders
  • Serve chips, candy, drinks, popsicles
  • Take money and make change - price lists posted

Floater (1 person)

  • Serve popcorn and hot food (with gloves)
  • Restock as needed - candy, snacks, drinks (move cold drinks forward and load hot drinks in the back)
  • Check condiments out front - restock as needed
  • Prepare hot food items as necessary (opening shift has started all hot food)

Safety & Security
You will NEVER take money into or out of the Concession stand. There will be money in the drawer upon opening, please leave the money in the drawer at the end of your shift.


  • Customers may pay using Venmo, Paypal, Credit Card/Debit Card (via Square on the iPad), and Cash. The Venmo and Paypal info are on sheets in the stand and taped to the outside so customers can scan.
  • The iPad pin is on the back of the iPad. iPad is only used for Square.
  • Just open up the Square App, enter the amount, and then swipe the card.
  • There is a price list in the stand for reference.

Additional Things To Know:

  • Free popsicles to WLL players after their games (Flavor Ice Pops, One per Player)
  • Keep restocking as necessary throughout shift
  • Empty trash as needed- liners are on the shelves by the ice machine. Trash goes outside in the green dumpster.
  • Lost & Found: Valuables go in bin in concession stand

The last shift is responsible for “closing” the concession stand.


  • Sell or get rid of leftover food
  • Close and lock windows
  • Restock all drinks, water, chips and candy
  • Take trash to dumpster

Clean Up:
Please sweep, clean and wipe down counters. Bring in and put away the napkins and condiments.

Popcorn Maker – No Chemicals, damp cloth only

  • Empty bottom tray
  • Wipe down all glass
  • Remove all metal pieces and wash in sink, leave out to air dry
  • Turn off all buttons

Hot Dog Roller – No Chemicals, damp cloth only

  • Get a damp cloth and put some dish soap on
  • Wipe rollers down with damp cloth while the rollers are still turning.
  • Turn both roller and warmer off
  • Remove bottom pan and wash in the sink and leave to air dry
  • Lock-Up & Leave Together
  • If a board member (or someone who has a key) isn't around when you close down, please shut and lock all the windows and lock the door knob on the way out.
  • Always be aware of your surrounding when closing the concession and leaving WBLL.

Please call/text concession managers with any issues.

Thank you so much for your help, support and dedication to WBLL!

Contact Us

Westbury Little League

5301 Dryad 
Houston, Texas 77035

Phone: 832-615-5510
Email: [email protected]

Westbury Little League

5301 Dryad 
Houston, Texas 77035

Phone: 832-615-5510
Email: [email protected]
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